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Threats to Rule of Law and Judges in West Africa

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Threats to Rule of Law and Judges in West Africa
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Posted: 2024-07-11T14:08:27Z

Contemporary Threats to the Rule of Law and Judges in West Africa

A presentation by Justice Henrietta J.A.N. Mensa-Bonsu at the 18th IAWJ Africa Regional Conference.

Download the presentation here.


In this exposé Justice Henrietta J.A.N. Mensa-Bonsu, a Justice of the Supreme Court of Ghana and former Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Rule of Law in Liberia, addresses the dynamic and evolving threats to international peace and security in West Africa, emphasizing the critical role of the rule of law and the judiciary in mitigating these challenges.

Scope of Discussion

The presentation covers a broad range of topics, including the significance of the rule of law, the changing nature of conflicts, international responses, African vulnerabilities, and the role of judges in national actions against these threats. It highlights the necessity for judges to understand their crucial role in maintaining peace and justice amid these evolving threats.

The Changing Nature of Conflict

Historically, international conflicts were primarily between states. However, contemporary threats have shifted towards intra-state conflicts, driven by factors such as terrorism, cybercrime, and socio-political instability. This shift necessitates new approaches to conflict management and the application of the rule of law.

Principles of the Rule of Law

The rule of law is foundational for maintaining order and justice in society. Key principles include:

  1. Laws should be prospective, open, and clear.
  2. Laws should be stable and not change rapidly.
  3. The making of laws must be guided by stable and general rules.
  4. The independence of the judiciary must be guaranteed.
  5. Natural justice must be observed, ensuring fair trials.
  6. Courts should have the power to review administrative actions.
  7. Courts should be easily accessible to the public.
  8. Law enforcement agencies must not pervert the law.

These principles aim to protect citizens and ensure fairness and stability within the state.

The Role of Judges

Judges play a pivotal role in mediating state-citizen conflicts, upholding the rule of law, and ensuring justice. Their decisions can prevent grievances from escalating into larger conflicts, contributing to national stability and peace.

Challenges in Contemporary Conflict

The presentation outlines several contemporary challenges:

  • The emergence of new technologies and media enabling the spread of extremist ideologies.
  • The rise of non-state actors and terrorist groups with complex, decentralized structures.
  • The increasing use of violence and terror tactics by these groups.
  • The impact of socio-economic factors, such as poverty and climate change, exacerbating vulnerabilities.

African Vulnerabilities and Regional Responses

West Africa faces specific vulnerabilities, including poverty, organized crime, and weak governance. Regional bodies like the African Union (AU) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) are critical in addressing these issues. Their efforts include enhancing regional cooperation, adopting legal measures to combat terrorism, and promoting socio-economic development to reduce underlying causes of conflict.

National Actions and Legal Implications

National governments must adopt comprehensive strategies to address these threats, which often involve new legislation and security measures. However, these actions must balance security with the protection of human rights. Judges face the challenge of interpreting and applying these laws fairly, ensuring that justice is not compromised in the pursuit of security.


The world, and particularly West Africa, faces a complex security landscape that requires robust and adaptable responses. The judiciary's role in upholding the rule of law is more critical than ever. Judges must be aware of the changing dynamics and their impact on their duties, ensuring they act impartially and protect citizens' rights amidst growing threats. Collaboration, both within and across national borders, is essential to effectively address these challenges and ensure lasting peace and security in the region.