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HomeIAWJ Member Associations

IAWJ Member Associations

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  • International Association of Women Judges
    • Afghan Women Judges Association (AWJA)
    • Albanian Forum of Women Judges (AFWJ)
    • Asociación de Juezas de la República Dominicana
    • Asociación de Magistradas Chilenas (MACHI)
    • Asociacion de Magistradas Judiciales de Paraguay
    • Asociación de Magistradas y Juezas de Panamá
    • Asociación de Mujeres Juezas de Argentina (AMJA)
    • Asociación de Mujeres Juezas de España (AMJE)
    • Asociación de Mujeres Juezas del Ecuador (AMUJE)
    • Asociación Peruana de Mujeres Juezas (AMPJ)
    • Associação das Juízas Portuguesas (AJP)
    • Association des Femmes Magistrates de Côte d’Ivoir
    • Association des femmes Magistrates du Sénégal
    • Association of Iraqi Women Judges
    • Association of Women Judges of Bosnia and Herzegov
    • Association of Women Judges of Guatemala
    • Associazione Donne Magistrato Italiane (ADMI)
    • Australian Association of Women Judges (AAWJ)
    • Bangladesh Women Judges Association (BWJA)
    • Botswana Chapter of the IAWJ
    • Brazil Chapter of the IAWJ
    • Cameroon Chapter of the IAWJ
    • Canadian Chapter of the IAWJ (IAWJCC)
    • Caribbean Association of Women Judges
    • Chapitre Haïtien de l’IAWJ
    • China Women Judges Association
    • Chinese Taipei Chapter of the IAWJ
    • Ghana Chapter of the IAWJ
    • Guyana Association of Women Judges
    • Hungarian Association of Women Judges (HAWJ)
    • International Association of Women Judges – Kenya
    • Irish Section of the IAWJ
    • Jamaica Association of Women Judges (JAWJ)
    • Japanese Association of Women Judges
    • Korean Association of Women Judges (KAWJ)
    • Kyrgyz Republic Association of Women Judges
    • Magistrati, Avvocati, Giuriste Eropee Donne(MAGED)
    • Mexican Chapter of the International Association
    • Mongolian Women Judges Association (MWJA)
    • National Association of Women Judges – Uganda
    • National Association of Women Judges –USA(NAWJ-US)
    • National Association of Women Judges, Nigeria
    • Nepalese Women Judges Forum
    • New Zealand Association of Women Judges (NZAWJ)
    • Papua New Guinea Judicial Women’s Association
    • Philippine Women Judges Association (PWJA)
    • Section Béninoise de l'IAWJ
    • Société Française de l’IAWJ
    • South African Chapter of the IAWJ (SAC-IAWJ)
    • Tanzania Women Judges Association (TAWJA)
    • Trinidad & Tobago Association of Women Judges
    • Tunisian Association of Women Judges (TAWJ)
    • Union of Moroccan Women Judges (UMWJ)
    • United Kingdom Association of Women Judges (UKAWJ)
    • Women Judges Association of Malawi (WOJAM)
    • Yemeni Women Judges Forum (YWJF)
    • Zambia Association of Women Judges (ZAWJ)
    • Zimbabwe Association of Women Judges (ZAWJ)