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IAWJ Statement of Thanks to the Polish Government

Published on 10/5/2021

The International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) is an association of over 6,500 women judges from around the world dedicated to the rule of law and the promotion of human rights, gender equality and access to justice. Over the last twenty years our sister judges in Afghanistan have been working in often difficult and dangerous conditions to live those values. They have done so gladly to serve the interests of the country they love. We salute their dedication and their courage.

With the fall of Kabul to the Taliban, the position of women judges in Afghanistan became untenable. Indeed, we have grave fears for the security of women more generally under Taliban rule.

A small team from the IAWJ has been working day and night to support our Afghan members. There are many organisations and individuals that have helped us. In particular, we acknowledge the vital role the Polish government played in rescuing some 20 women judges and their families from Afghanistan. We also thank the Polish authorities and the Polish people for providing our judges with such a warm welcome to Poland.

The IAWJ expresses its profound gratitude to the Polish government and in particular to the Polish Prime Minister, Mr. Mateusz Morawiecki, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defence. We also acknowledge the role of Warsaw lawyer, Anna Kruszewska, who significantly supported the judges and the IAWJ in this operation.

Our work is not done. We hope to continue our collaboration with Poland and other countries and organisations to evacuate all of the women judges who need to leave Afghanistan. We make a solemn promise to the women judges of Afghanistan. We will not forget you.

Susan Glazebrook
President IAWJ

To access the full statement in Spanish and French, please click here.